(Courtesy Post): Jaxx

What is the name, phone and address of the veterinarian who lasted treated and vaccinated this dog? : PetCo veterinarian.

The following questions will be of help to the person who will adopt your dog. If there is anything you would like to add that may make your pet's adjustment to a new home easier, please feel free to share that information below. :

Check the words that best describe your dog.: ACTIVE, PLAYFUL, NERVOUS, SMART, AGGRESIVE, ROUGH

Is the dog currently on vaccinations?: Yes

Date of last heartworm test?:

Heartworm test was:: Negative

Is the dog on heartworm preventative?: Yes

Brand of heartworm medication?:

Date of last pill?: 9/1/2019

Is the dog spayed or neutered?: Yes

Has the dog been previously bred?: No

Date of last fecal exam for parasites?:

Fecal exam results?: Negative

If positive, was the dog treated?: Yes

Please list medications your dog is taking:: N/A

Is your dog housebroken?: Yes

Are there any behavior problems?: Yes

If yes, please describe in as much detail as possible: Really mouthy, uses paws to lunge on people

Does the dog get along with:: Dog-Friendly

Please elaborate on your dogs interactions with other dogs in detail. Has your dog lived with other dogs? Have dog friends? Good with big dogs, small dogs, exuberant dogs, shy dogs? Has your dog gone to dog parks? Is your dog leash-reactive? Please be as detailed as possible and as honest as possible so we can help your dog.: Very dog friendly. Can play for hours. No. No.

Does your dog have handling sensitivities? How is your dog meeting strangers?: Really jumpy and excited... mouthy

Does the dog like children?: Yes

Are there children in the home?: No

What are their ages?:

What BRAND of dog food is the dog fed?: Petco recommended - Combo.

How many cups is the dog fed?: 3

How many times per day is the dog fed?: 3

Where does the dog sleep?: In his bed

Is the dog allowed on your furniture?: No

Is the dog crate trained?: Yes

Where do you keep your dog: Outside or in crate In his bed

How does the dog react to being left alone?: OK for up to 5 hours in crate, outide can stay for longer

Please list any particular fears your dog has.: Thunder, fireworks

Desrcibe any training the dog has, tricks it knows, and any experience with a trainer.: Sit, stay, down, come, paw, other paw, bang (play dead), wait, leave it, let go, let's go. Passed 2 puppy training courses.

Does the dog have any known health problems?: NoDoes the dog like riding in the car?: Yes

What is the dog's favorite : Tug toy, tennis ball, bones

: Running, playing fetch, tug of war, soccer ball, water bottle

What does the dog like?: Everything

What does the dog dislike?: Not much

Does the dog jump kiddie gates or fences?: Yes

If yes, how high is the dog able to jump?: 3 feet

Is the dog a digger?: Yes

Is there anything else you can share that is special, unusual, or endearing about your dog that will help the new owners?:

Are there any things you think a new owner needs to know?: Yes he has a lot of energy

Please describe a typical day for your dog during the workweek (what time wake up, when eat, how many walks a day, where to -- dog parks, trails, neighborhoods, runs, etc), how long left home alone, what time to bed?: Wake up at 5:30 walk for an hour eat and then left in the kennel or outside for 3 to 4 hours then gets play time for about 2 hours and eats again around 12 to 2 and then is left outside or in kennel until 5:30 to 6 and then walk for an hour or play and then rest and hang out and then eats again between 7:30 - 9 and goes to bed around 10 to 12.