(Courtesy Post): Goldie

Please contact Haley G at haleygonzales784@gmail.com

or call Haley at (916) 533-1365

About Goldie:

  • Spayed female

  • about 1 year old

  • 33 lbs

  • black, gray, brown border collie/cattle dog mix

Where did you get this dog?: I found her on a run near the Tower Bridge on July 9. She was limping and I immediately took her to the vet, but she was not microchipped.

How long have you owned this dog?: Since July 9, 2019.

Why is the dog being given up?: I found Goldie on July 9, took her to the vet and we determined she needed surgery on her foot, and probably needed to be spayed. I found her a home, but they had her for two weeks and it didn't work out with them because of their cat and didn't want to put in the time to train her. So once again I tried to look for a home. Goldie was playful when she met my cats, so I thought it could work out, especially if I trained her.
Since she was having surgery, would need time to recover, and I was traveling a little for work, my cats have been staying with a friend for two months. When I brought one of them home, Goldie was very aggressive. Having worked in the veterinary field for 10 years, it seems to me that since she is no longer in pain she became aggressive because she feels better. She's like this with squirrels too, and she never was before. I would love to try to make it work, but one of my cats has two types of cancer (she was diagnosed the week before I found Goldie). I can't risk stressing her out and getting her sick, and I don't know how much time she has left, so I want her home. Which is why, unfortunately, I can't keep Goldie.

What is the name, phone and address of the veterinarian who lasted treated and vaccinated this dog? : Sacramento Animal Hospital
Address: 5701 H St, Sacramento, CA 95819
Phone: (916) 451-7213

The following questions will be of help to the person who will adopt your dog. If there is anything you would like to add that may make your pet's adjustment to a new home easier, please feel free to share that information below. : She would do best with no cats, but loves all dogs and is submissive when it comes to play but will get crazy (in a good way) if the other dog wants to play. Goldie is the most friendly dog ever, she just wants love and attention. She listens and knows basic commands. She has a kennel at my home that she loves to sleep in. When it is bedtime she just goes in without me saying anything. I work from home so she has never been alone for longer than 4 hours. I think she would do best at a home where she won't be left alone for a long time. She LOVES running, hiking, playing at the river but hasn't been the biggest fan of swimming. She will swim out to you, though just to be close to you. She had surgery on her rear left paw because there was some kind of trauma that made it painful, but she is doing great post surgery. She still doesn't use the paw often but will in my apartment and at the river - softer surfaces.

Check the words that best describe your dog.: FRIENDLY, QUIET, ACTIVE, PLAYFUL, SMART, AFFECTIONATE, OBEDIENT, GENTLE

Is the dog currently on vaccinations?: Yes, 8/23/2019

Heartworm test was:: Negative

Is the dog on heartworm preventative?: Yes

Is the dog spayed or neutered?: Yes

Is your dog housebroken?: Yes

If partly, please describe when/where accidents occur::

Are there any behavior problems?: Yes

If yes, please describe in as much detail as possible: She has become aggressive with cats and squirrels since she is no longer in pain post surgery. I understand that this is "normal" for dogs, especially her breeds, but it is to the point where she will not listen to me when I try to get her attention away from cats or squirrels. She wasn't like that when I found her, and before surgery. Other than that she listens very well.

Does the dog get along with:: Dog-Friendly

Please elaborate on your dogs interactions with other dogs in detail. Has your dog lived with other dogs? Have dog friends? Good with big dogs, small dogs, exuberant dogs, shy dogs? Has your dog gone to dog parks? Is your dog leash-reactive? Please be as detailed as possible and as honest as possible so we can help your dog.: She loves all dogs. She will usually sit or lay down and let the other dog approach her. She LOVES to play chase. I usually take her to the river for play time with a dog friend of ours, or she meets other dogs there. We have not been to a dog park. I haven't noticed that she is leash reactive. When on walks she does try to sniff or play with others but she has never been aggressive about it. The only time she barks is when the other dog barks first, and even then it isn't every time.

Does your dog have handling sensitivities? How is your dog meeting strangers?: No sensitivities. She is very sweet when meeting other people. There have been a few men that she has barked at, but if I tell her no, and bring her focus back to me she has been fine.

Does the dog like children?: Yes

Are there children in the home?: No

What are their ages?: I think she likes children. She comes to the coffee shop I go to, and she has met children there who pet her, and even kiss her, and she has always been very gentle with them.

Any specific feeding instructions you would care to share with your dogs new owner?: I make her wait before she eats - which she kinda just did on her own. I tell her to sit, scoop the food into her bowl, then tell her "okay" and she eats. She eats in elevated dishes - which I would give to the new owners. She pretty much has everything she needs, and I would give it all to the owners.

Where does the dog sleep?: In her kennel (door open). She LOVES it. Sometimes we take naps on my bed.

Is the dog allowed on your furniture?: Yes

Is the dog crate trained?: Yes

Where do you keep your dog: Out and about in my apartment.

How does the dog react to being left alone?: She seems to do better than when I first found her, She did destroy a few things at my parents house - shoes, potted plants. But she also didn't have toys at that time and didn't know where she was. Now she chews on her toys. The longest I have left her alone is 4 hours and she was fine. She is very happy when you come home.

Please list any particular fears your dog has.: Loud, big trucks (like garbage trucks). On walks she has barked at them or jumped when one came around unexpectedly.

Desrcibe any training the dog has, tricks it knows, and any experience with a trainer.: She knows basic commands. Come, sit, lay down, kennel.

Does the dog have any known health problems?: No

If yes, please describe:

Does the dog like riding in the car?: Yes

What is the dog's favorite : She has a stuffed alligator she loves. She like any kind of stuffy, as well as ropes. She also likes to play fetch with sticks. Sometimes she gets a little too into fetch and she has nipped me, but in a playful way. She will jump on you occasionally when she is playing and getting her dog crazies out.

: Running, hiking, swimming - if she trusts you, she'll swim to you, walks, playing with other dogs.

What does the dog like?: She loves attention. She loves being in the car and sticking her head out the window. I don't have it down far because that scares me, but she loves the wind in her face.

What does the dog dislike?: Cats. Maybe not dislike, but she wants to hunt them?

Does the dog jump kiddie gates or fences?: Yes

If yes, how high is the dog able to jump?: She has jumped a fence before. However, this was when I first found her and she didn't know anyone. It was about 3 feet high.

Is the dog a digger?: Yes

Is there anything else you can share that is special, unusual, or endearing about your dog that will help the new owners?: She digs at the river occasionally.

She loves to be petted and if you stop she'll nuzzle your hand until you pet her again. She has the most expressive eyes and ears.

Are there any things you think a new owner needs to know?: She should be with an active owner/family. I was really looking forward to taking her on adventures, and while we got to go on a few hikes, we never got to backpack and swim in alpine lakes like I promised her. I really think she would love that kind of thing. Last weekend we ran 9 miles on Saturday, 6 miles on Sunday then took at 10 mile hike to Showers Lake. She absolutely loved it. She lives for being outdoors.

Please describe a typical day for your dog during the workweek (what time wake up, when eat, how many walks a day, where to -- dog parks, trails, neighborhoods, runs, etc), how long left home alone, what time to bed?: We wake up between 5:30am - 8:00am, depending on if we are running or not. We eat, then run or go on a walk around the neighborhood. Our runs have been anywhere from 3 - 10 miles. I like her walks to be a minimum of 20 minutes. I work from home so we do a lunch time walk. Then go to the river in the late afternoon/early evening. Have dinner and another walk. Usually she goes to be around 8/9pm.

Please provide a summary of the “ideal” home for your dog:: I would like a home for Goldie that is similar to what I give her. We go out every day for a run, walk or hike - and it can be all of these in one day. She loves to run, so I would love her owner to be a runner, or at least take her to the river or a park so she can run around there. She loves trails and is a natural on them. Her owner should treat her as part of the family, keep her up to date on vaccines and preventatives. I'd prefer that they get her pet insurance (Healthy Paws Pet Insurance is my favorite).
I don't know her history because I found her walking the streets but from the second I found her, she was the sweetest, funniest little dog. She truly wants to please you and make you happy and she wants lots of love in return. She really deserves the world and it breaks my heart that I can't give that to her, but I know there is someone out there who can. I just want to find someone to love her the way she deserves to be loved. When I found her I posted her info and photo to lost pet websites and found out she had been roaming the streets of West Sac for over a month. People were feeding her and giving her water but nothing else. She wasn't hard to catch, so it is shocking to me that no one would help a limping dog. After all she's been through she is a very trusting and sweet girl.