Meet Bayla!
Bayla is a two year old, 35-40 pound female Terrier Mix.
She has done well with other dogs.
Bayla is a very sweet, affectionate, shy dog. She is timid and is slowly coming out of her shell and showing her playful side.
She is house-trained and crate-trained and does great in the house. She sleeps or calmly looks out the window while her foster parents work. She's a medium-lower energy dog and is just happy to be around her people and get pets and affection.
She walks great on leash and doesn't pull or react to anything. She can get a little startled at loud noises (trucks, surprise joggers) but we are sure she will get used to this with time and she is able to continue walking easily. She watches other dogs but does not pull or lunge and is very easy to walk.
She may need slower, careful introductions to new people because she can be timid but she is wanting to trust and will gladly accept treats and pets. She is very gentle at taking treats and loves to cuddle and get affection.
She hasn't been very vocal at all so far either. She's a great size at about 45 lbs and would do well in different homes and environments, she just might need some time initially to get comfortable.