Monk is a sweet, calm, gentle, moderate energy puppy. He enjoys the company of other dogs and people. He loves to wrestle and play chase with other dogs and will try and match their energy. With people, he plays gently and calmly and loves cuddling. He does not jump on people. He likes toys and is starting to play fetch.
Monk can be a bit shy and submissive with strangers but is easily won over with a treat and affection. Monk is gentle with kids and has regular visits from the neighborhood children. He has been exposed to chickens and doesn’t seem to have much interest in them. (He would like to chase the deer.) Monk has not been exposed to cats but may do fine with slow intros.
Monk currently enjoys a big back yard and plays throughout the day with his dog buddies. He is completely house-trained and knows to use a doggy door.
Monk is good on a leash, knows sit, down, paw and come and is working on stay. Monk has shown no reactivity nor any resource guarding. He shares his toys well and does not “guard” his treats or food.
Monk loves food and sits for his meals. He enjoys healthy snacks, too, such as a slice of apple or raw carrots. He is good in the car but has gotten car-sick on occasion (normal for a puppy).
Monk is eager to please -- he will benefit from positive reinforcement training only and relationship building with his new home. He is a puppy so he is still learning what is okay to chew on and play with. Monk has been left without people but never without at least one other dog. When left, he does well free roam in his foster home.
Monk was DNA tested. He is mostly German Sheppard with a “splash” of Border Collie and Husky. He looks like a shiny black shepherd with the coloring of a BC and extra soft fur. Although both ears can be erect, Monk prefers to give that “dashing one raised eyebrow” look with one ear up and the other ear down!
$450 adoption donation includes includes age-appropriate shots, microchip with free lifetime registry, deworming, flea preventative, and spay/neuter agreement addendum