Courtesy Post: Kane

Kane is a courtesy post and not a HFP dog. In lieu of an adoption fee there is a Retaining fee of $150 reimbursable upon proof of neuter. Kane is available with a neuter agreement and adoption between owner and adopter is contingent upon completion of procedure!

Meet Kane — 1 year old, an extremely people + dog friendly male bulldog/pitbull mix in need of a home!

Where did you get this dog?: I bought Kane from a family friend.

How long have you owned this dog?: 1 year

Why is the dog being given up?: My roommates at the time thought it would be a great idea to get a puppy, however, I was the one that actually ended up taking care of him. He is very sweet and energetic and it breaks my heart to have to surrender him because I consider him a family member. That being said, it is very hard for me to continue taking care of him in my small apartment now that he is too big to hide. With me working 2 jobs I don’t have the time to be able to give him the fulfilling lifestyle he deserves. I would love to see him go to a great home! He especially gets along really, really well with other dogs! (:

Check the words that best describe your dog.: FRIENDLY, ACTIVE, PLAYFUL, SMART, AFFECTIONATE, ROUGH

Is the dog currently on vaccinations?: No (over due Nov 2018)

Is the dog on heartworm preventative?: No

Is the dog spayed or neutered?: No

Has the dog been previously bred?: No

Date of last fecal exam for parasites?: 5/23/2019

Is your dog housebroken?: Yes

Are there any behavior problems?: No

Does the dog get along with:: Dog-Friendly

Please elaborate on your dogs interactions with other dogs in detail. Has your dog lived with other dogs? Have dog friends? Good with big dogs, small dogs, exuberant dogs, shy dogs? Has your dog gone to dog parks? Is your dog leash-reactive? Please be as detailed as possible and as honest as possible so we can help your dog.: In Kane’s one year of existence he has always been placed around other dogs! He looooves to make new friends whether small or way bigger than him! He has been to lots of dog parks in the Sacramento/Elk Grove area.

Does your dog have handling sensitivities? How is your dog meeting strangers?: No. Very friendly with others! Usually will wiggle from excitement.

Does the dog like children?: Yes

Are there children in the home?: Yes

What are their ages?: 1 year

How does the dog react to being left alone?: He’s fine, he’ll usually just curl up and go to sleep. Some days he likes to chew on things from boredom so he needs lots of toys!

Desrcibe any training the dog has, tricks it knows, and any experience with a trainer.: Doesn’t have much training, he just knows the basics. How to sit, lay down, and hi-five (the cutest one).

Does the dog have any known health problems?: No

Does the dog like riding in the car?: Yes

What is the dog's favorite : He usually chews through most of his toys with ease so I wouldn’t recommend anything plush or soft. I get him hard toys that squeak or hard bones!

: Loves going for walks/runs. He also loves the lake being that he just found out he can actually swim! (: I just don’t let him get too far out

What does the dog like?: Playing with other dogs or even playing with his owner.

Please describe a typical day for your dog during the workweek (what time wake up, when eat, how many walks a day, where to -- dog parks, trails, neighborhoods, runs, etc), how long left home alone, what time to bed?: He’ll sleep until whenever I get up. As much energy he has, he’s equally lazy (LOL). I feed him every day around 11am and then again around 8pm. I try to walk him atleast once a day but unfortunately I don’t have enough time anymore to ensure he gets his fun time every day. For the most part, he’s usually alone all day until I get off work. He’ll go right to bed when I do.

Please provide a summary of the “ideal” home for your dog:: I would love him to go to a home with someone who has the time and patience to properly train him. Preferably a home that already has another medium sized/large dog that he cAn play with all day since he hates to be alone. It’d be great if it was a house with a nice sized backyard since he’s been cooped up in an apartment his whole life. And, a new owner(s) who is going to love him as much as I do!