Interested adopters, please contact // (707) 249-0886
Brindle Boxer 7 years old (born 27 June 2012) female spayed, her weight is 65 lbs. Her shots are up to date.
Tan Boxer/mix 6 years old ( born 23 July 2013) female spayed, her weight is 50 lbs. Her shots are also up to date.
Darla and Shelby are two Boxer pups who have unfortunately lost their owners. Their owners’ last wishes were to have the dogs re-homed together.
Words that best describe your dog.: FRIENDLY, QUIET, ACTIVE, PLAYFUL, GENTLE
Are there any behavior problems?: No, they are both good with small and large dogs.
Cats : Unknown
Does your dog have handling sensitivities? How is your dog meeting strangers?: friendly
Does the dog like children?: Yes
Are there children in the home?: No
Where does the dog sleep?: in their beds
Is the dog allowed on your furniture?: Yes
Is the dog crate trained?: Yes
Where do you keep your dog: in the house
How does the dog react to being left alone?: they are fine together
Please list any particular fears your dog has.: noises
Desrcibe any training the dog has, tricks it knows, and any experience with a trainer.: they both will wait until you tell them it is okay to eat when they are feed, they are trained to stay out of the kitchen.
Does the dog like riding in the car?: Yes
What is the dog's favorite : Yak sticks and run in backyard
What does the dog like?: playing and Shelby love the water
What does the dog dislike?: cats
Does the dog jump kiddie gates or fences?: No
If yes, how high is the dog able to jump?:
Is the dog a digger?: No
Is there anything else you can share that is special, unusual, or endearing about your dog that will help the new owners?: Shelby is sneaky try to get out the front door to run up the block, okay on the leash.
Are there any things you think a new owner needs to know?: none
Please describe a typical day for your dog during the workweek (what time wake up, when eat, how many walks a day, where to -- dog parks, trails, neighborhoods, runs, etc), how long left home alone, what time to bed?: get up around 7 am let outside to do their business, fed. 8 hours let out to play. Bedtime around 10-11pm
Ideal home for the dogs: They need a back yard that plenty of space to run, they both love to go on walks.
Is the dog currently on vaccinations?: Yes
If yes, please list the dates of vaccinations.: 10/5/2019 leptovax 4 GPIC due 10-04-2020
Date of last heartworm test?: 10/5/2019
Heartworm test was:: Negative
Is the dog on heartworm preventative?: Yes
Brand of heartworm medication?: Trifexis
Date of last pill?: 9/28/2019
Is the dog spayed or neutered?: Yes
Has the dog been previously bred?: No
Date of last fecal exam for parasites?: 10/5/2019
Fecal exam results?: Negative
If positive, was the dog treated?: Yes
Please list medications your dog is taking:: trifexis
Does the dog have any known health problems?: Yes
If yes, please describe: Darla has small skin tag and a small mammary swelling on one teat.
Shelby has arthritis in her hips.