(Courtesy Post): Freya

Contact Emily @ emegle@live.com


emegle@live.com // (916) 329-5918

Meet Freya — per DNA test — 62% Border Collie, 25% Australian Kelpie, 12.5% Australian shepherd. 50 lbs, 6-8 years. Good with dogs & housetrained, spayed, vetted, vaccine. Freya recently took a liking to chasing the 6 cats she has lived with for over a year. Here is what her currently family has to say about Freya:

Where did you get this dog?: Sacramento SPCA

How long have you owned this dog?: 1 1/2 years

Why is the dog being given up?: Prey drive- she is currently living in a home with 6 cats and is increasingly becoming aggressive towards them. She originally was fine with the cats (actually afraid of the cats when first adopted) but over the past 6 months has started to chase and snap at them. This was only on occasion at first but is now a daily occurrence. We have attempted to manage the situation but with my partner starting a new job we will both be gone from the home for 9+ hours a day and cannot leave them unsupervised.

Check the words that best describe your dog.: FRIENDLY, ACTIVE, PLAYFUL, NERVOUS, SMART, TIMID, GENTLE


Is your dog housebroken?: Yes

Are there any behavior problems?: Yes

If yes, please describe in as much detail as possible: She can be sensitive with handling (she does not like to be restrained) and some noises make her nervous but she is great otherwise. She has only snapped once when a guest in our home ran up and hugged her quickly but she has never bitten.

Does the dog get along with:: Dog-Friendly

Please elaborate on your dogs interactions with other dogs in detail. Has your dog lived with other dogs? Have dog friends? Good with big dogs, small dogs, exuberant dogs, shy dogs? Has your dog gone to dog parks? Is your dog leash-reactive? Please be as detailed as possible and as honest as possible so we can help your dog.: Freya lives with a neutered male cattle dog mix and gets along great with him. She can be nervous around other dogs when first introduced and will try to ignore them. Once she is comfortable she will engage with them. She is not at all leash-reactive (ignores other dogs while on leash). She does great with dogs of all sizes. She will correct pushy, rude dogs but is very appropriate and gives plenty of warning before correcting the other dog. Even when she has corrected another dog it has never gone past a small snap (that does not make contact) and then she quickly moves away from the other dog. At dog parks she is solely focused on playing fetch and ignores most other dogs.

: No

: Unknown

Does your dog have handling sensitivities? How is your dog meeting strangers?: Handling- she is very uncomfortable with being restrained but allows it. Does not like being hugged. Strangers- out in public she ignores people. She loves when people come to the home and tries to play with them (brings them toys to play fetch with her).

Does the dog like children?: No

Are there children in the home?: No

What are their ages?: No children but due to how uncomfortable she is with being restrained I would recommend she go to a home with no children.

Where does the dog sleep?: In my bedroom

Is the dog allowed on your furniture?: Yes

Is the dog crate trained?: No

How does the dog react to being left alone?: Completely fine. Has never been destructive or displayed any signs of separation anxiety.

Please list any particular fears your dog has.: Certain noises make her very uncomfortable (the sound of foil and the garage door opening). She will bark at a high pitch and pace but settles quickly after the noise is over.

Desrcibe any training the dog has, tricks it knows, and any experience with a trainer.: No formal training. Knows "sit" "lay down" "stay" "ball"

Does the dog like riding in the car?: Yes

What is the dog's favorite : Tennis balls. She loves them more than anything else on this planet. Frisbees are a close second.

: Playing fetch. She can go forever.

What does the dog like?: Playing fetch with tennis balls is everything to her. And of course she loves treats.

What does the dog dislike?: Loud noises

Is the dog a digger?: No

Is there anything else you can share that is special, unusual, or endearing about your dog that will help the new owners?: All she wants to do is play fetch!

Are there any things you think a new owner needs to know?: Just to give her some time to warm up to a new home and any new dog companions.

Please describe a typical day for your dog during the workweek (what time wake up, when eat, how many walks a day, where to -- dog parks, trails, neighborhoods, runs, etc), how long left home alone, what time to bed?: Morning (7am)- go outside to potty (she wants to come inside right after) and sometimes a treat.
Left alone for 9 hours when both of us are working. Currently only left alone for an hour or two. She is let outside multiple times a day to potty and she likes to sunbathe around noon on a nice day if we are home.
Evening (6pm)- either a walk or playing fetch at the park (she likes walks but they are not very exciting for her. She prefers fetch). And then dinner.
Night (10pm)- Potty and bedtime

Please provide a summary of the “ideal” home for your dog:: Freya would do great in a semi-active or active household. She would do best in an adult only household since children may be too much for her and try to handle her inappropriately. She would do fine as the only dog or with dog friends. Even though she started out ok with my cats I would suggest absolutely no cats due to her recent behavior.